Blowing hair in salah

Question Assalamu alaykum w w This query is to do with salaah but I do mention OCD (which I know you don’t deal with) as my question relates to an effect of it. I am not asking for help regarding the OCD. I just found out recently that blowing in salaah to the...

Unaware of rules related to istinja’

Question I was unaware of the ruling when I was younger that one must clean himself after urinating, as I thought that was only for defecating. Would I need to redo those prayers where I did not clean myself after urinating? Answer If after urinating or defecating,...

under the influence

Question BISMI ALLAH AL RAHMAN AL RAHEEM, Alsalum Alaikum, I need to ask you about a serious issue that is happening here in USA. A section of people who are claiming to be islamic scholars are guiding others to Allah by putting them in a hallucinogenic stage under...

Dilators for vaginismus

Question If a person has vaginismus & doctors recommend using dilators, will this be permissible? Can a woman use it on herself or will the husband have to use it on her? Answer It is disliked (makruh) to insert anything into the internal part of the vagina, and...