Restricted Stock Units

Question بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ Dear mufti sahib, I pray you are in the best of health. I worked for my company T-Mobile US for 5 years as an engineer. As part of the compensation package, company give yearly restricted stock units equivalent to...

Debit and Credit Cards

Question Asalamo aleikoum.Im a muslim living in Spain. I want to own a bank card to buy things from internet since without it I can’t. Are there any debit cards which are halal that you advice me to have. There are debit cards which are apparently halal: so you...

Hadith wrongly attributed to sahabah

Question Asalamu’alaikum, Ibn Hajar (rh) mentions in Fath al Bari the following incident: وروى مسلم – أيضا – في ((كتاب التفصيل)) بإسناد صحيح ، عن بكير بن الأشج ، قال : لنا بسر بن سعيد : أيها الناس ، اتقوا الله ، وتحفظوا في الحديث ، فوالله لقد رأيتنا...

Fertility Egg Freezing

Question Assalamu Alaikum ww, I would like to ask about the ruling on women freezing eggs for the purpose of utilising if get married to have a baby with their husband. In context, there are now many Muslim sisters who are still single at age 35-40 and some who then...

Medical symbol representing Greek God’s

Question Assalamualaykum I am an Indian and a medical aspirant here. You might have seen the medical symbol consisting of two snakes and a rod. Recently I found out that this symbol is called caducues which is a Shirkiyya symbol representing staff of Hermes who was...