Permanent Contraception

Question My wife is expecting our 3rd child mashallah. Our other 2 children were born via an emergency c-section therefore she is planning on having a further c section this time as she is unable to deliver naturally.l medically. At a hospital appointment the...

Entering contracts with Late payments

Question As salam alaykum, my question is regarding late payments. I wish to purchase an item through an interest free loan, I will pay by instalments every month until the item is payed for. However most company’s have a late payment rule, is it permissible to buy...

Do Hardships Expiate Sins for Everyone

Question Assalamu alaykum, I know there are many hadith on the subject which seem to indicate it covering all Muslims, but I also know that it could be a mistake to interpret a hadith at face value without an alim’s commentary, so I just wanted to ask to be sure. Is...

Is it permissible to insult a public sinner?

Question A Muslim was supporting sin openly. Over this, my friend used derogatory words insulting that Muslim. He used strong vulgar swear words. Others defended my friend saying it was permissible to insult open sinners like this. Are they correct? Answer The Prophet...

Gifting House and Land

Question Assalamualaikum I have a question on hiba below. My father gifted a piece of land to my mother by transferring the file which was originally bought in his name to my mother’s name. This transaction was with my mother’s consent as she was happy to become owner...