Company Life Assurance

Question The company my husband works for, has a life assurance policy that you are automatically enrolled to. This means that if he dies while working for them, his beneficiaries are entitled to 2 x annual salary. Will this money be halal? Please see attached file...

Finger prick for Diabetics break fast?

Question Salam’s I wanted to know whether finger prick reading to determine blood glucose levels is considered as breaking wudhu. I would have assumed that as this is for medical reason and that some patients need to prick their fingers routinely, there wudhu wouldn’t...

Laser Treatment For Facial Hair

Question Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu I have excessive hair growth on my face and lately it has started to become thicker and more prominent. So, I am planning to get it removed by laser treatment.I would like to know the permissibility for getting it...

Protection from all evils and hardships

Question Assalamu Alaykum Q1) How do I protect myself from all evil, sins, problems, calamities, dangers, tests, tribulations and hardships. Q2) How do I remove all evil, sins, problems, calamities, dangers, tests, tribulations and hardships from my destiny and how do...