Bell Canada – TV Department

Question Bismillaher Rahmaner Rahim Assalamualikum, I worked at Nordia Inc. as a customer service representative for Bell Mobility. (Nordia Inc. provides agents for Bell.) I found that Bell has TV services that I know are not halal. My question is if I am not part of...

UK work pension is halal in shariah in my case also?

Question Assalamualaykum I have studied in your questions about pensions and learnt that Alhamdulillah my workpension which is defined is halal to receive the funds from it. However I would like to clarify that this type of pension is it halal in every case? Or is...

Which ihram is better?

Question As-salamu alaikum, I understand that Qiraan in generally mention as the most virtuous iḥrām according to the Hanafi school. However, I was recently shown a quote from the Muwaṭṭaʾ of Imām Muahmmad where he states that if you have done Umrah in the year of...

Recruitment Agency

Question Assalaamu Alaikum I wanted to find out if working for or owning a Recruitment agency is allowed? The main responsibility or role is to 1. find halal clients/companies who are looking for employees ie security company or bus driving etc doing halal work 2....

Praying Salah With Boils

Question *السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته* May Allah bless the Fatwa Center Team. I have recently been reading and watching scholarly content that clarify the rulings in regards to a Ma’zoor, but some questions remain. Firstly, how much pus needs to leak out...