Mortgage Refinance – Call Centre

Question Al-salam Alaikom! I work as a call centre agent for a mortgage refinance company.. I connect the home owners that already have a mortgage and they are interested in refinance with lower interested rates with the investors or lenders. The company’s name...

Women in Islam

Question Thanky you for your answer. But I really do not understand the concept of paradise and it actually makes me very uncomofortable. Ok fine with Hooris I understand why only men get them. I am agree women like to have only one husband. But with the Friday Market...

Is Islam against women?

Question Unfortunately lately I have been feeling pscyhologically traumatised by Islam. The only thing I am finding is fear and so much hate towards women which makes me feel miserable and is giving me really bad thoughts including suicide because I just cannot handle...

Writing Articles Online About Sensitive Matters

Question Assalamalaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu I have been through marital rape 20 years ago. My health and family relations are quite chaotic, and I can see it is because of the overall disruption of health status that affects all other spheres of life. I want...

Islamic rights in a shared household

Question Assalmualykum Firstly i would like to apologise if the message is long but i deem it necessary to give as much details as i can. I have been married 11 years and 3 years ago my father in law passed away. Due to this my husband (being a only son and having 4...