Late Fees and PCP Contracts

Question As salamu alaykum. I have a two part question which would really help me. Firstly, I want to purchase something on 0% finance which I understand to be halal, but most companies have late payment fees, is it permissible to agree to late payment fees? I intend...

Hadith on raising hands in salah – raf’ al-yadayn

Question Asalamu Alaykum, I had a question about the hadith of ibn Masood on not doing Rafal again. I heard that the hadith of ibn Masood is weak. Is this hadith weak or not? I also had a question about Abdullah ibn Umar’s hadith on not doing Rafal ydan, again,...

Parents choosing spouse

Question I am 16 and my parents want me to marry a girl from Pakistan when I turn 18. I do not want to marry this person and I am not sure what to do. Answer This is a difficult predicament to be in at your age. Alhamdulillah you are looking at your future options and...

Protection from Jail

Question Assalamu Alaykum Q1) Is there a Authentic Dua from an Authentic Hadith in Islam that will protect a person from jail. Q2) Can you please give a Authentic Dua from an Authentic Hadith in Islam that will stop a person from going to jail. Answer There is no...

Is ZARRAR (ضرار,زرار) name forbidden to keep?

Question I want to know if ZARRAR name is forbidden to keep or not. I saw this youtube video ( where this brother is showing us a fatwa (written in urdu) where it says that zarrar name should not be used. Though I tried to...