Withdrawal Bless from Pill

Question Ive been on a contraceptive pill to make menstrual pain less but when you take a 4 or 7 days break for a ‘period’ it is actually called a withdrawal bleed because a egg hasn’t released, in a real period which would make a women come on her...

Reward for someone wronged

Question Someone’s wife committed zina behind the husbands back. How will Allah s.w.t. compensate the husband for the wrong that was done to him. Answer Allah Most High is the one who grants honour and disgrace. He will reward and compensate the husband in the...

Looking at the kaabah in Salah

Question Assalamu alaykum I wanted to if whilst in Makkah it’s permissible to look at the kaabah whilst praying or should one still keep the gaze on the place of sujood ? Answer It is from the etiquettes of salat that a person looks down at the place of sajdah...

Allowing someone to look after and use their wealth

Question Assalamualaikum warahmatullah A sister looked after her maa’zoor sister for many years of her life. The  maa’zoor sister asked her younger sister to keep her money for her as she didnt have full mental capacity. While she was alive the...