Shellfish in toothpaste

Question Assalamu aleykum, would it be permissible to use the toothpaste mentioned in the link below. Jazaakallaaho khayr...

Hadith on masturbation

Question Regarding this narration/statement ناكح اليد ملعون I have been told by hadith scholars that these words have no basis. However I have seen it quoted in Hanafi fiqh books and by Tafseer Alusi here And there are those who have deduced the prohibition of...

Authenticity/usage of this narration

Question About this narration: سبعة لا ينظرالله إليهم يوم القيامة ولا يزكيهم، ويقول: ادخلوا النار مع الداخلين: الفاعل والمفعول به، والناكح يده، وناكح البهيمة، وناكح المرأة في دبرها، وجامع بين المرأة وابنتها، والزاني بحليلة جاره، والمؤذي جاره حتى يلعنه I have seen it...

IVF after tubal ligation

Question Assalamualaikum, Iam 27 years old female have undergone tubal ligation I have two daughters mashallah but now I want another child.can I opt for IVF. Answer IVF treatment is only permissible between spouses if there is a strong need such as when one does not...