Personal opinions in tafsir

Question As-Salāmu Alaykum Are explanations of the Qurānic Arguments permissible according to the way of the sahaba and salaf (like in an-Nur al-Mubīn by Ibn Juzayy and what Imam Suyuti said أي خرجتا عن نظامهما المشاهد لوجود التمانع بينهم على وفق العادة عند تعدد...

Selling Musical Instruments

Question During my dark times, I was a music producer, Alhamdulillah,Allah guided me and I quit music. Since I had possession of music instruments like Piano and DJ equipment, I decided to sell them to a non muslim friend who’s a musician too.. He hasn’t...

Halal food in Saudi and on airlines

Question Asslaamu alaikum What is the status of meat/chicken in Makkah and Madinah. There are many messages saying it is not permissible to eat at all food places there. How does one determine what is halal or not? I have read about the issues of imported meat and...


Question Sheikh ibn taymiyyah claims that arabs are superior to non arabs in terms of lineage and descent and that this is the opinion of the majority of scholars including imam ahmad is this true i thought superiority was based on taqwa not on lineage kindly clarify...

Virtue of Arabs

Question Sheikh there is this hadith i came across saying that Allah chose kinanah from quraish and quraish from banu hashim and banu hashim from the prophet i disagree with these hadith bcoz the prophet said there is no superiority of arab over non arab except taqwa...