Repaying Debt in Foreign Currency

Question Assalamwalaikum Mufti saab, More than 15+ years ago my 1st cousin in the USA borrowed some money from me, $6000. At that time I converted the amount into $’s from my £ account and sent it to him. Over the years he did not pay me, nor did i remind him,...

Greeting Non-Mahrams and Muslim Women’s Fashion Shows

Question Assalamu Alaikum, Hope you are doing well. Questions: 1) What about the criteria for salam to Mahram and non-mahram whereas if any woman comes to our home of any religion, would we do greetings (Salam) to them even if they have more than one? 2) Would any...

Loans and forgiveness

Question As salamu alikum. My father died 8 years ago. 15 years ago my dad asked my brother in law to lend 1000 dollars to my brother and he said he will make sure that he returned that money. But my brother never returned. Still now my brother in law holding my...

Business partner raises interest bearing loans

Question Salam, I have a friend (non-believer) who raises capital to buy properties, renovate and then sell on for a profit which is distributed back to the investors. In order to raise capital, the developer does this through a combination of investments from general...

Bus fares

Question Asalamualykum Sometimes I travel on the bus with my children.On the bus website it states for children 5 and above a bus ticket has to be purchased. When I am boarding the bus and let the driver know I have to pay many drivers dismiss this and say its fine...