Change of intention from Hajj Tamatu to Hajj Qiran

Question I made intention for Hajj Tamatu. Performed Umrah and came out of Ehram. However now I have visited Madina, and intend to return to Makka couple of days before Hajj. I have decided that if I wear Ehram for 2nd Umrah from Madina, can I now make intention for...

Differences between Masjid and Musallah

Question Assalāmu ‘Alaykum wa Rahmatullāhi wa Barakātuhu Based on my experience and observations while living in Australia since the 1990s, Muslims find it convenient to practise 5 times salaat, learn basic Islamic education (Qur’aan, du’aa, fiqh...

Gifts from a bank

Question Salaam I bank with nationwide and they have gave their members £100 due to increase in their profits which I have received. Am I able to benefit from these funds or what should I do with the payment if not. Answer When a person deposits money into a bank...

Hijab for Slaves

Question Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmat I have question about hijab, I will appreciate your answer. In islam hijab is mandated for women and we as muslims are taught that wisdom behind the ruling is it prevents or rather lessens the risk of muslim women from being molested...