Not performing jumu’ah due to hiding Iman

Question I’m a 21 year old convert from India and my parents are hindu. So, the problem is that I can’t go to jumu’ah because of my parents, they don’t allow me to go to a masjid, I’ve tried before to visit a masjid but their reaction was...

Inheritance related questions

Question Salam’s 1) My dad would like to distribute his wealth equally amongst his daughter, son and wife. How can he do this islamically? Inheritance / gifting 2) Please can you advise the rules of inheritance islamically? 3) Please can you advise the rules of...

How to return stolen wealth

Question Asallam Alaikum, I want to know in regards to stolen money. I was a young teenager around 19-20 years old. I was in bad company with few people and we were just being foolish trying to break lockers from school. Unfortunately, 1 Locker had opened up and there...

Paying the middle man commission

Question Assalaamu Alaikum My question is as follows: Ali lives in the UK. He wanted to sell land in Pakistan and therefore asked a friend in Pakistan to sell the land for him. This friend agreed to a 2% commission with Ali. The friend spoke to the buyer and agreed a...

Can I get a mortgage

Question السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ. Mufti sahab, hope you are well ان شاء الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ I have been living in UK (London) for past 6 years and we have moved 4 houses I do Shari parda and have been living in shared houses all time, can we buy...