Keeping the name Amirah

Question Salam is the name Amirah meaning princess a self proclaimed righteous name and is this allowed for a girls name in Islam. Jazzakallah Khair. Answer It is permissible to take the name ‘Amirah’ which means female leader or princess. This is because we are...

Blood Donation and the Anti D vaccine

Question I was just wondering if we are allowed to take the Anti D vaccine. My midwife advised me that since my blood group is O negative I need to take the Anti D vaccine at 28 weeks of my pregnancy and after my delivery in case the baby is born with a positive blood...

Selling item to the bank knowing that it will be sold with riba terms

Question السلام عليكم المفتي المحترم ما حكم بيع الهواتف للمصرف غير الإسلامي علما بأنه سيبيعها بيعا ربويا؟ Answer It is prohibitively disliked to sell an item to a bank with the knowledge that the item as it is will later be part of a usurious transaction. This is...


Question Salam Sheikh sb. I have an inquiry regarding masturbation, as someone who struggles with this sin. My question was if this action is done, does it come under the ruling of this hadith: Ibn Maajah (4245) Sahih, narrated from Thawbaan (may Allah be pleased with...

Working as a hairstylist

Question Assalaamualikum I wanted clarification if working as a bridal hairstylist is permissible and if the earnings are halal. I style hair for brides/brides sisters and other female members of the family. Some clients have segregated weddings and remove hijab in a...