OCD Guidance

Question Assalamu Alaykum, I would like to ask a question regarding my mother. She spends long hours in the bathroom and kitchen everyday. She washes the dishes over and over again. She washes herself many times also. For example, when doing wudhu or when taking a...

Studying deen and parents rights

Question Asalamu alykum, My question is please advise the right of my parents over me. I am the only child, Alhamdulilah we are a wealthy family and both my parents are middle aged and healthy. I would like to study in Pakistan because in my country there are no Darul...

Poor people having multiple children

Question Am I sinful for not liking it when people keep having children despite struggling to provide for the ones they already have? I know Allah swt provides rizq. But I can’t get rid of this feeling because it makes me angry to think of the children who have lost...

Wadhi discharge and umrah

Question AssalaamuAlaikum I have a masla concern regarding the emission of wadhi and would appreciate if you are able to advise me on the following. I am able to keep my wudhu for the duration it takes me to read the fardh, sunnah and nafl of a salat however my wudhu...

Tabligh jama’ah and fada’il ‘a’mal

Question Salam, I wanted to know regarding the permissibility of reading the book fadhail e amaal by maulana zakariyaa I’ve heard this book contains fabricated ahadith, and considering the context in which this book is read in, wouldn’t it be problematic?...