Fatwa Answers

Buildings Insurance In Diminishing Musharakh

Question AssalaamuAlaikum, I recently purchased a home with the company called Pfida which utilises a diminishing musharakah model. They have stated that their model if fully shariah compliant however upon agreement, within their terms and conditions, customers have...

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Employee fulfilling trust and employer rights

Question Al-Salamu Alaykum Shaykh. Shaykh may I seek some advice from you regarding working for another? Some years ago, I read this booklet by a Dawah organisation and it contained scenarios when an employee would owe money back to his employer for certain things he...

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Makruh Tahrimi acts in salah

Question Assalamualaykum, In this fatwa (https://www.zamzamacademy.com/2010/09/makruh-acts-in-salaat/), it mentions that you have to repeat salah if you do a makruh tahrimi act in salah and if it still the salah time. My question is how do we differentiate between...

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Squeezing a spot & Eczema water

Question If I have a spot or wound which I squeeze and blood/pus comes out due to the squeezing does this break my wudhu? If the blood/pus comes out then starts flowing will it then break my break? If I have a open wound or scab where the blood is visible and I dab it...

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Masturbating whilst fasting

Question If a person is masturbating while he is fasting in ramadan and he ejaculates, is it obligatory for him to do Kaffara or what is the ruling for this person? Answer Masturbation is a sinful act and must be avoided. If one was to masturbate whilst fasting their...

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Delaying prayer due to excuse (ma’dhur)

Question Asalamu Alaykum. I have had an issue for a few months now where I delay my prayer until the time is almost finished I do this because I regularly break my wudu (passing wind) due to nervousness and fear of breaking my wudu. I’ve tried to control my...

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Braids in Ghusl

Question I have read the ruling that women are not required to open their braids/plaits in Ghusl not wet the braid as long as the water reaches the roots, I would appreciate more detail on the following: a. Does this ruling apply to all types of hair or is restricted?...

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Dealing with bodily disfigurement

Question Aslamu alaykum I hope you are well. This problem has been with me all of my life and has affected every aspect of my life. I was born with an illness and a noticeable ear disfigurement. This has affected me all of my life due to people staring and making...

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Business & Mortgage

Question Assalamu alaikum, I am seeking guidance. I am a working professional who has a small LLC company (Lets call it XYZ) XYZ invested roughly 20% into a rental property, and the remainder of the money is expected to be paid by the bank through conventioanl...

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Intending a vow in the heart

Question I made a vow that if I do this thing i will give 250 rupees for the first time if do it again I will add 250 to previous amount everytime I do this thing. The problem is I don't remember if I made this vow verbally or in the heart. I am more inclined towards...

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Question Assalamualaikum Is pre planned halalah permissible in islam. What I have heard it is a major sin but will the marriage with previous husband be valid if it was done only for the purpose of making the woman halal for the first husband ? Answer A pre-planned...

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OCD Guidance

Question Assalamu Alaykum, I would like to ask a question regarding my mother. She spends long hours in the bathroom and kitchen everyday. She washes the dishes over and over again. She washes herself many times also. For example, when doing wudhu or when taking a...

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Studying deen and parents rights

Question Asalamu alykum, My question is please advise the right of my parents over me. I am the only child, Alhamdulilah we are a wealthy family and both my parents are middle aged and healthy. I would like to study in Pakistan because in my country there are no Darul...

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Poor people having multiple children

Question Am I sinful for not liking it when people keep having children despite struggling to provide for the ones they already have? I know Allah swt provides rizq. But I can’t get rid of this feeling because it makes me angry to think of the children who have lost...

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Wadhi discharge and umrah

Question AssalaamuAlaikum I have a masla concern regarding the emission of wadhi and would appreciate if you are able to advise me on the following. I am able to keep my wudhu for the duration it takes me to read the fardh, sunnah and nafl of a salat however my wudhu...

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Tabligh jama’ah and fada’il ‘a’mal

Question Salam, I wanted to know regarding the permissibility of reading the book fadhail e amaal by maulana zakariyaa I've heard this book contains fabricated ahadith, and considering the context in which this book is read in, wouldn't it be problematic? This book is...

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Use of Artificial Grass on Graves

Question As Salaamu ‘Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhu, Mufti Saab We are writing in relation to our grave maintenance programme. Key points are as follows: 1. We have at the outset said we will maintain graves, the key component here being to maintain the mound...

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Eye gunk

Question Assalamu alaykum. Despite trying my best to wash my face properly, especially around my eyes, I often find some gunk left in the corner of my eye. This could be dry little pieces, or wet mucus. Is my wudhu valid if I find it there a while after performing...

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Offsetting unlawful income with interest paid

Question AssalaamuAlaikum Out of naivety and lack of knowledge when undertaking my studies and during employment I enrolled into a student loan along with non Shariah compliant pensions. Over the course of time the loan accrued interest and I tried my best to abstain...

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Maintenance Engineer in investment company

Question Alsalam Alaikum, Is it halal to work as a Maintenance Engineer in an Investment Company (not a bank, but managing money and making investments like purchasing real estate, public stocks, debt instruments, etc)? So basically I will not be working on anything...

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Zakat on pensions

Question Salam, There are 2 parts to my question. 1. With my current employer I have a defined contribution pension plan where the employer contributes 10% of my salary into a pension pot managed by standard life which invests the money and I can only access that...

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Divorce and pregnancy

Question Salam. I pray you are well. My (now) ex-husband divorced me on 24.05.2023, and on 08.06.2023, I took a pregnancy test, which came out positive. We had no clear indication that I was pregnant at the time that he had verbally divorced me. I read online that a...

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Dua in one’s own language in salah

Question Assalamualikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baraktu. are personal duas in our own language (if we dont speak Arabic) supposed to be made before tasleem or after tasleem (after concluding the salaah)? if it has to be before tasleem or if the duas before tasleem must be...

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Statement of Shaytan regarding sinners

Question AssalamuAlaikum, I have come across a narration stating that when a sinful person constantly begs Allah for forgiveness and tries to atone for the sin by doing good - to the extent that Shaytan says, " I wish I had not made him fall for that sin". Can you...

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Hadra and Group Zikr

Question Can you provide some clarity on whether the Hadra, as part of tariqas, and the swaying and jumping is permissible? Jazakallah Khayr for your time Answer The sufi tariqas adopt certain practices when engaging in the remembrance of Allah the Almighty. Some...

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Pictures on clothes

Question Salam I have received clothes as gifts from family and friends for my children. I do not allow my daughters to wear clothing with animate pictures on them. What should I do with those clothes? Can they be given to charities? Can they be gifted to other...

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Praying Behind People Upon Bid’ah For Jummu’ah

Question ‏اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ‎ On the day of Jummu'ah there are not any masajid near me except one. However, this masjid is ran by barevli's and they do many bid'ah. For example, after the Jummu'ah salah they start yelling and chanting...

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Hadith and science: issue of yellow discharge

Question It was narrated from Anas that: Umm Sulaim asked the Messenger of Allah about a woman who sees in her dream something like that which a man sees. The Messenger of Allah said: "If she sees that and has a discharge, then let her perform a bath." Umm Salamah...

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Keeping the name Amirah

Question Salam is the name Amirah meaning princess a self proclaimed righteous name and is this allowed for a girls name in Islam. Jazzakallah Khair. Answer It is permissible to take the name ‘Amirah’ which means female leader or princess. This is because we are...

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Blood Donation and the Anti D vaccine

Question I was just wondering if we are allowed to take the Anti D vaccine. My midwife advised me that since my blood group is O negative I need to take the Anti D vaccine at 28 weeks of my pregnancy and after my delivery in case the baby is born with a positive blood...

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Question Salam Sheikh sb. I have an inquiry regarding masturbation, as someone who struggles with this sin. My question was if this action is done, does it come under the ruling of this hadith: Ibn Maajah (4245) Sahih, narrated from Thawbaan (may Allah be pleased with...

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Working as a hairstylist

Question Assalaamualikum I wanted clarification if working as a bridal hairstylist is permissible and if the earnings are halal. I style hair for brides/brides sisters and other female members of the family. Some clients have segregated weddings and remove hijab in a...

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Unable to love fear and obey Allah properly

Question Assalamu alaikum. My problem is that I'm unable to Fear and Love Allah more than people and Myself.I also find it extremely hard to obey him at all times.For example whenever I'm outside and the time for Salah comes I don't pray due to fear of my parents...

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Defi Earnings

Question salam 3alykum. A friend of mine is encouraging us to explore a website that leverages DeFi technology to generate profits. I have concerns that engaging in such activities might inadvertently involve us in earnings that could be considered haram. The website...

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Insanity and salah

Question Islamically what is considered insanity and what are the salah rulings regarding one who suffers from episodes of insanity? Please can clear references to source material be included so I can refer back to it. Jazakallah Answer The definition of insanity...

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Not performing jumu’ah due to hiding Iman

Question I'm a 21 year old convert from India and my parents are hindu. So, the problem is that I can't go to jumu'ah because of my parents, they don't allow me to go to a masjid, I've tried before to visit a masjid but their reaction was pretty bad, especially my...

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Inheritance related questions

Question Salam’s 1) My dad would like to distribute his wealth equally amongst his daughter, son and wife. How can he do this islamically? Inheritance / gifting 2) Please can you advise the rules of inheritance islamically? 3) Please can you advise the rules of...

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How to return stolen wealth

Question Asallam Alaikum, I want to know in regards to stolen money. I was a young teenager around 19-20 years old. I was in bad company with few people and we were just being foolish trying to break lockers from school. Unfortunately, 1 Locker had opened up and there...

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Paying the middle man commission

Question Assalaamu Alaikum My question is as follows: Ali lives in the UK. He wanted to sell land in Pakistan and therefore asked a friend in Pakistan to sell the land for him. This friend agreed to a 2% commission with Ali. The friend spoke to the buyer and agreed a...

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