Fatwa Answers

Secret Marriage and Pre-Marital Interaction

Question Considering the following situation: Brother X is engaged to be married to Sister Y, with both families in complete approval of this union, but one set of parents desire that the couple wait until the Brother has graduated from a university, (which means the...

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Raising Christian Children?

Question There is a brother I know who is married to a Christian woman. They have three daughters who are being raised Christian against the wishes of the father. What is the ruling for this according to Islamic law? What are the consequences for the father and the...

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Son marries daughter-in-law: incest?

Question A man and woman got married. Both are Hanafi. The man's son from a previous marriage fell in love with the woman's daughter from a previous marriage, and they asked their parents to let them get married. Most of the extended family said that this was incest,...

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Marriage Advice

Question I have had my nikah done to someone my family convinced me to marry of my own will and acceptance. I really don't like him now, but not because he is not nice. Can I seek a divorce? I want to be happy. Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum...

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Mahr: How Much Should It Be?

Question I was wondering how to determine what is a reasonable amount to ask for. Is there any such guidelines to determine the amount? Does it depend on the man's salary/currency of salary, where he lives etc? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum...

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Uncertainty With Marriage Proposal

Question as-salaamu alaikum, A practicing, Muslim brother has come forward and expressed his interest in getting married to me. Because of his maturity (he is about 9 years older than me) and love for Allah, I am certain that he will be fair & kind. I am also very...

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Can I Work at Bank Which Works With Riba?

Question Can I work at bank which works with riba? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah most Gracious Most Merciful Interest and usury has been strictly prohibited in Islamic law. Many verses and hadiths of the Prophet (Allah...

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Can I Perform Umrah While Still in Debt?

Question I am a student who unfortunately has a lot of school loans. My question is, can I go to Umrah using this money? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful. It would be permissible for one to go...

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Husband Supporting Family with Haram Money?

Question If a husband says his only way of supporting the family is by dealing with interest-based work, what should the wife do? Is it ok for her to accept this money as her dowry? The husband is actually helping people LOWER their interest rate on their houses, is...

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Buying and selling gold for profit?

Question I would like to know if it is permissible to buy and sell gold for profit. My understanding in the past has been that transactions where a certain amount of gold is purchased at one price and the same amount sold at another (higher price) are not permissible...

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Making Claims on One’s Car Insurance

Question In UK you have to have car insurance if you own a car. As a law I know that you have to have a car insurance. Now if you have an accident can you make a claim? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of...

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Can a Sick Relative Use My Insurance ?

Question Can I let a sick relative without insurance use my insurance plan, because they do not have insurance and cannot afford to pay for their treatment and medicine? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of the Inspirer of truth It...

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Is Deducted Life Insurance Money Halal?

Question Can one take the money of Life insurance (when the time comes) when the money that is used to pay for this insurance is automatically deducted from one's pay? Scenario: A person (employee) makes $2000 per month and whether he/she likes it or not $20 of that...

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Can I Perform Umrah While Still in Debt?

Question I am a student who unfortunately has a lot of school loans. My question is, can I go to Umrah using this money? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful. It would be permissible for one to go...

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Hajj without a mahram?

Question I am an adult woman (unmarried) who can afford to perform Hajj, Alhamdulillah. However, my father has passed away and I have only one mahram in the country where I live, namely my younger brother. My brother is not employed and unable to afford to perform...

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Making Hajj While Paying off your Home Mortgage

Question A friend of mine was planning to join the hajj group, but he was informed by some of his friends that since he is making mortgage on his house, he can not go for hajj until he pays off his house... My friend called me and asked me to find out if this is...

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Questions about What Breaks Your Fast

Question 1. If you are fasting, and you cut your finger and it bleeds, does that break your fast? 2. If you put eye drops does it break your fast? 3. Does using toothpaste break your fast even though you spit it out? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu...

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Paying Zakat to Institutions as Receivers

Question Can a person who is sahib e nisab give the zakat to an islamic educational institution - where the quran al karim etc are taught to students ( not necessarily all poor or miskeen)? Can zakat be used to fund the education of poor students? Answered by: Mufti...

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Zakat: Clarifications & Answers

Question a) If someone is talib al ilm in the shari'ah sciences are they liable to pay zakat if they have savings over the nisaab aount if they intened to use that money on their studying? b) If money has been loaned to people does this become included in the...

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Raising of The Hands in Salah

Question Why don't Hanafis raise their hands when going into ruku or raising their heads from ruku`? Isn't this against the sunna of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) who said, "Pray as you have see me praying."? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf...

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Praying behind a possibly deviant imam?

Question If there is a prayer in jamat, is it okay for me to join this even though the aqida of the imam leading the prayer is different, or if you don't know the beliefs of the imam? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah the...

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Feet to Feet, Toe to Toe

Question Hanafis are often criticised for not touching toes in congregational prayer (by Salafis), who point to the hadith (I don't know it off-hand). I understand that it's not the hadith that is being questioned, but the interpretation. This is specifically a...

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Combining Salat

Question Why don't Hanafis combine prayers, when there are authentic hadiths about it? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the Name of Allah the Inspirer of truth. This issue is a major one between the fiqhi schools. The Hanafis have judged...

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Raising One’s Voice in Prayer

Question Can I raise my voice in order to help me concentrate in prayer? What if it is a nafl prayer, or if I am praying alone? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu Alaikum In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth It would be permissible to raise the...

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Silence Between Eid Prayer and Eid Khutbah

Question Sheikh, about ahkam salaatul 'Eid..is it also wajib to remain silent during the transitional period from the end of the 'eid salaah to the start of the khutba? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most...

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Incontinence and Prayer

Question I was reading in the mukhtasar of quduri about salas (incontinence) and i wanted to make sure that I have it right. To establish incontinence it has to encompas an entire prayer's time the first time and for each additional prayer time all it has to do is...

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Question Asslamu aleykum Can u skip sunnah mu'akkadah prayers to make up qadaa i owe like 3-4 years of qadaa. Answered by: Mufti Abdullah Nana Verified by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful Wassalam. Mufti...

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Makruh Acts in Salaat

Question Assalaamu alaikum In Talimul Haq it mentions that committing a makruh act- you don't need to repeat the salat and it lists thereunder some acts which are makruh tahrimi e.g praying while need to relieve oneself. In Heavenly Ornaments it also does not mention...

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Women’s prayer

Question In the hanafi mad-hab, what is the best way for a woman to pray? Some say just like the Prophet (S) but then other say he advised his wives to pray differently. If we are supposed to pray differently (in a more concealing fashion, how I understand it), then...

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Wudu With Nail Polish For My Husband

Question My husband wants me to wear nail polish all the time. I had read somewhere that you have to take it off for your prayers, and this would then be very cumbersome for me. I don't understand the logic of this ruling either. If you wear henna, it stains your...

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