Fatwa Answers

Full Hijab and Dealing with Feeling of Pride

I have recently, alhamdulillah started wearing full hijaab, which of course includes the niqaab, and i have realised that as i walk down the street, I walk with a lot of confidance and pride; proud of the fact that I am a muslim woman in hijaab, unafraid of the western world.

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Few questions on Hayd

I had menstrual discharge on wednesday but started the actual bleeding the next day. From which day shall I take my menstruation to commence from wednesday or thursday?

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Husband Socialising With Other Women

I am a revert to Islam, Alhamdulillah, I am married with two sons (6yrs and 4months old, Alhamdulillah). My husband is Muslim born and raised. I have found out through his phone texts that he’s been socializing with other women, Muslim and non-Muslim, calling them babes in his text and apparently helping one with a baby whose husband has left her.

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Eating food which is earned through haram means

Question If one eats food which is earned through haram means but the food itself is properly slaughtered, will this affect a person and if so, how? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah, most gracious most merciful. It is...

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Taking off the Hijab in Hostile America?

Question I have a question concerning hijab when leaving the home in hostile places. I reside in the US, and where I live is a place ( US State) where there are a lot of fundamentalist Christians that hate Islam and Muslims. Most of the time, I have to go out alone...

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Shaking Hands with Women

Question 1. I just wanted to make sure. It says that it is haram to shake hands unless necessary. Can you please give me an example of necessary? Is a job interview considered such? 2. In the hidayah, on the section of looking at awrah, it says that for darurah a...

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Henna & Jewelry in Public

Question I'm not sure how to reconcile the rulings on nail polish and henna. if one of the reasons for the prohibition of nail polish is that it is adornment that can be seen by non-mahram men, how is the application of henna permissible? I don't know if this is...

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Watching a Video With Nudity

Question I was in a lesson and we were watching a video which had nudity and sex e.t.c, so i put my head down and didn't watch the video. As far as i know in islam it is forbiden. Is that true? The video wasn't important. After the lesson I was told to stay behind and...

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Breaking an Oath

Question If I break my oath, then to expiate I fast for three days, then what if I break my oath again do i fast for three days again? My oath was to read namaaz five times a day but i broke this, say I make up for it but I lapse again sumwhere along the line and one...

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Eyebrows & Hair Removal

Question Please shed some light on the permissibility of eyebrows & hair Removal. Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah the Inspirer of truth. The issue of removing hair from around the eyebrows has become a very popular issue...

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Is this considered breaking an oath?

Question If someone made a promise to Allah in a dua to never masturbate again, and he later breaks that promise, what is required of him? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah the Inspirer of truth. From the apparent wording...

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Tablets with Gelatin

Question My mum has been ordered to take Calcium Vitamin C tablets prescribed for her for the rest of her life. However, these tablets contain gelatin, but my mum has asked whether this contains animal gelatin and unfortunately she was told that they could not find...

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Supermarket Zabiha?

Question Do you have any good explanation on the issue of halal meat? To what extent do we question when a store owner says they have zabiha meat? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah the Inspirer of truth. This is definitely...

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Belly Button Rings & Colored Contact Lenses

Question 1. Is belly button rings haram? 2. Is coloured contact lens (not neccessarily needed by the person for fashion sake) haram? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah the Inspirer of truth. 1. It is not permissible to...

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Decision to Wear Hijab

Question I've been wearing the scarf for a coupe of years now but for a couple of months I have thought on and off about wearing a jilbaab. These past few days of Ramadan have been good for me and I feel the strongest I've ever felt about wearing it but these things...

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Is Street Fighting Allowed?

Question Can you please tell me whether it is allowed in Islam for a man to do stuff like street fighting, (just like Fight Club the movie). I know a brother who is saying that he is just trying to stay strong, and want to see what his limits are, insha'Allah he would...

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Mercy killing of pets

Question A family has a pet cat which is dying of cancer, the cat is in terrible agony. Some members want the cat to be put down by a vet to end its suffering while others argue that this is against Islam since you are taking a life and if you can do mercy killing for...

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Meat in the West

Question Please shed some light on the permissibility of consuming meat in the western world. Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of the Inspirer of truth Many people claim the United States (or for that matter the UK) to be a...

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Are Pills Which Have Gelatin Allowed?

Question Is taking pills which have gelatin allowed if they are not directly medically prescribed, such as Centrum - a multivitamin which is gelatin coated to make swallowing it easier? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of the...

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Could Milk Be Haram? The Case of Lanolin

Question The other day a brother mentioned to me an unsubstantiated report that the vitamin D added to milk comes from animal sources, and that perhaps we should use non-homogenized milk from health stores (because of lanolin)? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf...

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Carnival Games

Question We are trying to arrange a Carnival with different games to collect funds to build a new masjid, Inshallah. Is it Islamically permissable to have: 1. a raffle for prizes? 2. play 'bingo'? 3. play 'wheel of fortune'? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf...

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Enzymes, Mono & Diglycerides and Pigs

Question Recently, I came across some information regarding enzymes, mono, and diglycerides in all kinds of food. I also realized that most of these ingredients come from animals including pig - but it does not always say so. I am really worried because whatever I see...

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Najasah in Liquidy Food

Question I have one question about najasah getting into food. According to the malakis and the shafi'is, if najasah gets into liquid food (i.e. milk, oil honey) the whole thing becomes najas. What is the hanafi position in regards to this? This is very relevent in our...

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Molecular Change and Gel Caps

Question I wanted to check with you about istihaalah, and if for the hanafis things like gel caps in medicine that have undergone manufacturing. Is it permissible to use for the hanafis? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah...

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Non-zabihah Animal Skin

Question Someone asked: The other day Brother X mentioned to me an unsubstantiated report that the vitamin D added to milk comes from animal sources, and that perhaps we should use non-homogenized milk from health stores. Besides this, when the rulings of meat are...

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Is Keeping A Pet Sunnah?

Question I was recently told that it is a sunnah to keep a pet (any acceptable animal) in the home. Also, that keeping a pet more easily drives away the 'evil eye' from reaching anyone in the home? Is this a confirmed sunnah? I was also told that Muhammad (salAllahu...

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Hadith: “Heads looking like humps of camels”

Question In the following Hadith, can you please elaborate on "heads looking like humps of camels." What does it mean? Because I know many women keep their hair tied up on the top part of their heads and it does look like a hump. This question is from on of my wife's...

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Black Seed Oil: Use & Benefits

Question In order to benefit from black seed oil, do you have to use it regularly? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth. The following excerpts may help to answer this question: Black seed is also...

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How was the Qur’an compiled?

Question I wanted to know was the entire Qur'an compiled before the Prophet's death or after by the khalifas. What i mean by compiled is the ordering of the surahs. Before the Prophet's death (Allah bless him & give him peace), did the sahabas know that the #1...

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Non-Muslims Touching the Qur’an

Question An individual (non-Muslim) in my Islamic Civilization course was asking whether it was permissible for non-Muslims to attain an electronic copy of the Qur'an (I think he has it on CD). He does not read/speak Arabic, and just has it on his hard drive. The...

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Adopted Son: Is He A Mahram To His Adopting

Question I was wondering, if a couple adopts a child, would the child still be non-mahram for the woman if it was a boy or for vice-versa for the man. If so, then the woman would have to still wear hijab if the child was a boy when he hit puberty? and would not be...

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Paternity Question

Question I have a rather complex question. A girl I know has a father who was adopted at birth. The father took on the family name of the family who adopted him, and has kept it ever since. As such, he passed it to his children. Should the girl keep the family name of...

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Nafaqa (Spending) of the Parents

Question So, about the nafaqa, is it such that the man only has to support his parents if he has the money and thus does not have to get a job specifically to support them. Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah the Inspirer of...

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The Reward For Good Husbands and Fathers

Question I'm looking for hadith or Qur'anic verses indicating how men can gain reward from Allah through their relations with their spouses, children, etc. Can anyone give me some direction (names of websites, books, articles, etc.)? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn...

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Proposing To More Than One Woman

Question Questions about the Islamic etiquettes when a man sends a marriage proposal to a girl: Is he allowed to send proposals to many girls at the same time? If the marriage proposal has been accepted by one girl and discussions between families are proceeding, is...

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